Finance for
Start Finance for Start-Ups
For many founders, finance topics like structured accounting, budgeting, expenses management, and many others are less important and not a priority from day 1. It’s all about getting the idea ready for the market – so why waste your time with receipts and Excel?

It’s simple: bookkeeping and structured finances form the foundation for a successful business. Only those who know and can rely on their figures are in a position to make strategically valuable decisions. Many start-ups fail because they do not have their finances under control, are not planning long-term and in the end, realize too late that they have run out of money. Entrepreneurs in the early stages often steer based on instinct because simple baseline figures are missing. This also often leads to trouble with the tax office because of incorrect receipts, missed deadlines, or numerous other formal trifles that can take up an awful lot of your valuable time.
Clean books are essential for the closing of a financing round. Due diligence with chaotic financial processes and non-transparent documentation is doomed to fail. So there are endless reasons why accounting should be done right from day 1. The later you start cleaning up your finances, the more stressful and expensive the process will be.
Consulting & Coaching
Do you want me to take a look at your finance processes and provide individual advice?
In a few workshops, we will analyze your current situation and work out a solution. Together we will see how we can automate your finance processes and integrate tools into your system landscape. Disorder and manual processes cost money. I will help you in building up an efficient and effective finance & admin landscape. The objective is that you and your finance team should be able to focus full-time on scaling your start-up to the next level and not wasting time with financial chaos.
Fractional CFO Services
As a fractional CFO I partner with early-stage companies to overcome the first financial challenges. At the beginning you may not need a full time CFO, but the success of a start-up is as well dependent on financial decisions that are made early. As a part-time CFO I support you with topics like the founding process, optimizing the strategy, setting up finance and accounting processes, Fundraising, navigating Due Diligences and many more.
I offer you know-how on the following topics:

Initial set-up of digital accounting

Supporting key decision making through the use of simple tools

Structured financial statements and meaningful reporting for investors and management

Cash planning, liquidity reporting & working capital management

Help with the selection and creation of tools for digital financial processes

Automation of financial processes. Stop wasting resources
Let’s take off together and start finance now 🚀
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